bridge run 2015

ltmj unnamedm_jlindsey

on this health journey
my gratitude is deep for a few dear friends who are walking…er…running this road alongside me
i was asked, or more so required, to sign up for the Bridge Run – 5k – with these dear ones
so my thought was that if i’m going to run it, i’m going to at least put in the effort to do it well.
this was a big deal for me because i do not enjoy running, for the record.
but i am pleased to report that race morning was a sweetly enjoyable time, for all of us.
we celebrate our hard work,
we celebrate our friend (the brown one) who leaves us for oxford this week,
we celebrate health and spurring one another on.
nothing feels better than pursuing a whole, healthy life within a community of friends who do this together.

be whole + be well, my friends. make the moment-by-moment choice. and do it together.

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